Ship your freight reliably as an FXL customer
Around the clock support and access to our A-list, quality carriers. Become an FXL customer today.
Around the clock service for your business
24x7 staff support
FX Logistics operates in a 24 x 7 environment to support the custom, critical nature of our customers’ business. We don’t just have reps on-call – we’re physically in the office ready to tackle anything.
Superior service to decrease lost sales
There is a real cost to the customer for poor service. Our customers look to us to keep their supply chains running safely and efficiently. We supply creative solutions when there are disruptions outside of their control.
Unparalleled supply chain service
FX Logistics offers an unmatched supply chain service to shippers throughout North America. Our centralized freight-moving model is the new standard for the transportation industry. To drive optimization, FX Logistics has structured its organization to maximize backhaul opportunities, build strong relationships, and closely track and predict spot market rate fluctuations.

Details our shippers love

A-List, Quality Carriers
We use U.S. government certified carriers, which are vetted to a higher level. The same carriers we use for our postal runs are the same ones we use for our commercial customers.

Over 10,000 OTR Carriers
Take advantage of our extensive carrier network. FXL is a full-scale, resource-intensive service provider that will help your business grow.

State-of-the-art logistics technology
Latest GPS technology
The latest GPS tracking technology is utilized on our fleets so that we can track and trace our drivers at every turn with pin point accuracy.
Traffic pattern forecasting
We are notified of traffic patterns or delays before they happen and provide driver assist to navigate our drivers safely and efficiently to their delivery location.
The highest technology customization in the industry.
Real-time visibility
The FX Logistics transportation management system provides real-time visibility to our entire staff.
Extra security measures
FX Logistics utilizes additional security and performance measures to know the status of our trucks around the clock.
State-of-the-art facility
Our state of the art facility is equipped with secured access and multi-functional generators to assure the FX Logistics’ team is always available to provide unparalleled customer service.
To tender a load:
Prefer to discuss your load over the phone?
Speak to an FXL specialist today.